Emmer Announces Stakeholder Support for the Israel Security Assistance Support Act
May 16, 2024

by Majority Whip Emmer

Majority Whip Tom Emmer announced key stakeholder support for H.R. 8369, the Israel Security Assistance Support Act, ahead of today’s vote in the House. The legislation, sponsored by Representative Ken Calvert (CA-41), will hold President Biden accountable for unilaterally halting military aid to our ally, Israel.

Here is what stakeholders are saying in response to H.R. 8369:

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Coalition for Jewish Values, Rabbi Yoel Schonfeld, President: “Hamas, which has already violated every ceasefire to which it ever committed itself, has declared that it will repeat the massacre of October 7 if given the opportunity. Israel is fighting a genocidal adversary, and failing to eliminate this threat guarantees that Hamas will murder yet more innocents. We thank Chairman Calvert, Appropriations Chairman Tom Cole, and all those working to ensure that Israel is given the necessary resources to finish the existential battle thrust upon it by the murderous terrorists of Hamas.”

Photo Credit: Fibonacci Blue on Flickr

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