Letters & Statements

Rabbinic Open Letter on Gender Dysphoria
If you are a Rabbi and would like to sign this letter, please contact us.We, as Jewish rabbis and teachers, write to reaffirm Judaism’s clear and unambiguous stance on human genders. The Torah states that "male and female He Created them" (Bereishis 1:27), declaring a...
Amicus Curiae in Fuld v. PLO / U.S. v. PLO
Since their founding in 1964 and 1994, respectively, the PLO and PA have planned, funded, rewarded, and glorified terrorism.
Comment to Federal Register on Ideologically-Driven Changes to Mental Health Services
The proposed changes would endanger children, malign normative Jewish belief, and open a back door for antisemitic bad actors.
Amicus Brief in Bethesda University v. Seungje Cho
CJV argues that the ecclesiastical-abstention doctrine is a vital protection for minority faiths.
121 Organizations Warn University Leaders about the Dangers of Faculty for Justice in Palestine and Urge Safeguards to Prevent Student Harm
CJV signs a letter warning that Faculty for Justice in Palestine is a hate group that fuels antisemitism and unrest, and encourages universities to ban the group.
CJV Amicus Brief on Oklahoma v. Department of Health and Human Services
CJV signed an amicus brief in Oklahoma v. Department of Health and Human Services, writing that Oklahoma’s use of federal funds for an abortion hotline represented a legal and moral overreach.
CJV Joins Letter Pressuring Biden-Harris Administration to Cut Ties to Palestinian Terror
CJV joins pro-Israel allies in telling the Biden-Harris administration to cut ties to groups associated with Palestinian terror.
Coalition Letter to CBS News
CJV signed a coalition letter expressing concern that CBS denies the fact that Jerusalem is in Israel.
CJV Letter to Princeton Opposing Divestment from Israel
BDS is a modern manifestation of ancient antisemitism, and contradicts notions of freedom and truth that Princeton claims to stand for.
Amicus Brief on Bradley Little, Governor of Idaho v. Lindsay Hecox
Distinguishing between genders in athletics ensure that females’ efforts at athletic excellence isn’t undermined by forced competition with males.