
After the Holidays: Exclusive Webinar with Shabbos Kestenbaum
Shabbos Kestenbaum to headline first in CJV Zoom lecture series.

Between Civilization and Barbarism
It is crucial that Americans fear those who punish law-breakers, more than they fear the law-breakers.

CJV MO Visits MO State Capitol
At the Capitol, CJV MO discussed how they can support any sponsored legislation or proclamations that are aligned with CJV’s principles.

CJV’s Inaugural DC Advocacy Day a Rousing Success
On Tuesday, February 13th, the Coalition for Jewish Values held its first-ever Washington, D.C. Advocacy Day. Under the leadership of CJV Managing Director Rabbi Yaakov Menken, a select group of rabbis, students, and lay leaders from eight states brought CJV advocacy...

CJV Missouri claps back at anti-Israel leftists
CJV MO’s letter was so well-written, powerful and yet uncontroversial to the Jewish community, that 1000+ community members signed the letter.
CJV Again Recognized Among America’s Leading Values Voices
In just six years CJV has come to the top echelon, affecting votes in Congress and public perception in a way few could have predicted.
CJV Expands; Leftists Panic
Progressives talk about inclusivity and tolerance right up until someone dares articulate a perspective different than their own. The latest proof of this is the hysteria with which they greeted the launch of CJV Missouri.

Another Splash for CJV at CPAC
Rabbi Menken was interviewed by over a dozen hosts and media outlets, and was featured at the Shabbat at CPAC program.

ADL Says the Right Thing for a Change, but Quickly Makes Up for It
Far from combating hate, the ADL has become a hate group itself.
The Impact of our Omar Release
It’s not just about the media coverage, but that outside observers implied that our work may have been decisive in achieving this outcome.