Rabbinic Group Welcomes Confirmation of David Friedman
March 23, 2017

The Coalition for Jewish Values enthusiastically welcomed the US Senate confirmation of David Friedman has as the new Ambassador to Israel.

“We were delighted with the nomination and are delighted with his confirmation,” said Rabbi Yaakov Menken, Director of the CJV. “Throughout the process Friedman has demonstrated his remarkable familiarity with Israel and the challenges it faces, and his personal relationship with the President ensures that he will both affect and represent US policy.”

“He brings a fresh, new approach and we wish him much success,” added Rabbi Steven Pruzansky, Senior Rabbinic Fellow of the CJV. “It is lamentable that the vote for such a qualified candidate was divided by party line, and Senators Bob Menendez and Joe Manchin should be applauded for their willingness to place his suitability ahead of political considerations.”

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