$5.3 Million for Egalitarian Western Wall
July 21, 2017

The Yated Ne’eman newspaper, serving the Orthodox community (and not available online) reports the following in an article about the Israeli government decision to invest “in upgrading the egalitarian prayer area at the southern Kosel [Western Wall]:

North America’s Coalition for Jewish Values (CJV), which represents 200 Orthodox rabbis, complained that the posters were dishonest, as huge numbers of moderately religious and traditional Jews are also not interested in making changes at the Kosel. Rav Pesach Lerner of CJV, who headed the national Council of Young Israel until 2012, noted that the egalitarian Ezras Yisroel was entirely empty on Shivah Asar B’Tamuz [17 Tamuz, a fast day commemorating the breach of the walls of Jerusalem prior to the destruction of the Holy Temple], when the traditional Kosel was full to capacity.

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