Gospel Mais (Brazil): ‘God’s will doesn’t matter’, says Congressman while supporting gender ideology
March 14, 2021

by Tiago Chagas, in Gospel Mais of Brazil (Portuguese)

According to the Coalition for Jewish Values ​​(CJV), a group of approximately 1,500 traditional Orthodox rabbis, Congressman Jerry Nadler “has forgotten the Constitution:” “The Founding Fathers required Congress to avoid infringing upon the free exercise of religion, meaning it must be sensitive to what every religious tradition describes as G-d’s will,” said Rabbi Pesach Lerner.

” It is especially true that Congress must remain cognizant of the set of foundational moral principles – including valuing peace, human life, and individual liberty and responsibility – that America calls Judeo-Christian ethics,” added Lerner.

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CJV Vice President Rabbi Yoel Schonfeld summed up his assessment by saying that Nadler “unmasked” the true nature of the so-called Equality Act: “Far from valuing diverse opinions and beliefs, it tramples free exercise of religion and even demonizes free speech.”

“Reading the Bible in public, per the Equality Act, could be called an exercise in bigotry and grounds for a ‘discrimination’ complaint. Without question, the true bigots here are those who support deliberate attacks upon the cherished beliefs of others,” concluded Schonfeld.

Read the full article in Gospel Mais.

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