Israel National News: Parents of seriously ill UK toddler Alta Fixsler make last minute appeal to save her life
August 20, 2021

by Dan Verbin, Arutz Sheva

Rabbi Moshe B. Parnes, southern regional vice president of the Coalition for Jewish Values, described the trust’s decision to remove the toddler from life support as “akin to murder.”

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“Judaism recognizes the sacred value of every human life. Once a child has been placed on a ventilator, Jewish law unequivocally prohibits deliberately discontinuing the ventilation so as to hasten the approach of death, as this is akin to murder,” he said in a statement.

“Similarly, to deny food to any person is simply a cruel act. We appeal to the good conscience and high ethical standards of Britons to respect the child’s religious traditions, and permit the helpless child to be transferred to a facility in America or to Israel willing to continue to provide the highest standards of medical care.”

Read the full article at Arutz Sheva

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