In Case With Global Implications, Finland Puts Christians On Trial For Their Faith
November 30, 2021

The Bible is apparently hate speech according to Finnish authorities.

Two Finnish Lutherans, a pastor and a member of Parliament, are being charged with “hate speech” for respectively writing and publishing a 24-page 2004 booklet that explains basic Christian theology about marriage and marital relations, including that marriage is uniquely between one man and one woman. The Finnish prosecutor claims these centuries-old [actually, millennia-old] teachings “incite hatred” and violate legal preferences for government-privileged identity groups.

Rabbi Jonathan Guttentag, International Liaison of the CJV is in contact with Lutheran and other advocacy groups on both sides of the Atlantic, to coordinate our involvement in this important religious liberty case with, as the Federalist correctly states, global implications.

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Read a full description of the Finnish charges at The Federalist

Photo Credit: International Lutheran Council 


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