Israel National News: Lead sponsor of ‘Anti-Bigotry’ Bill Is herself a bigot
December 16, 2021

by A.J. Kaufman in Israel National News

bill that would create an “Islamophobia monitor” across the world was passed in the House this week.

The Combating International Islamophobia Act, sponsored by Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., would create an office within the U.S. State Department tasked with monitoring and reporting on violence, harassment and abuse against Muslim people, schools and religious centers.

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The bill itself seems unnecessary and transparently partisan, but when the main sponsor is perhaps the most repugnant bigot in Congress, the effort is even more preposterous…

(For interview on the bill’s effect on antisemitism on the Lars Larsen show with Rabbi Yaakov Menken, Managing Director of the Coalition for Jewish Values, click here.)

Read the full op-ed at Israel National News; also republished as “Scandalous Ilhan Omar and her dubious bill” in the Weekly Blitz.

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