Mike Pompeo Accuses Biden Admin of Backpedaling on Trump Support for Israel
December 22, 2021

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo warned that President Biden is backpedaling on the previous administration’s support for Israel and “the historic progress we brought to the Middle East.” Biden’s policies, Pompeo said, follow the examples set by former President Barack Obama and former Secretary of State Hilary Clinton during their tenure in the White House and US State Department.

During his own time as Secretary of State, Pompeo made it the State Department’s official position to describe Jerusalem as Israel’s undivided capital and to cease references to an alleged Israeli “occupation” in Judea and Samaria–a policy he called the Pompeo Doctrine. Pompeo delivered his remarks to the the Zionist Organization of America’s 2021 virtual gala, where he received the “Dr. Miriam and Sheldon Adelson Defender of Israel Award.”

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