USA Swimming official who resigned over trans swimmer: don’t throw girls “under the bus.”
December 28, 2021
Lia Thomas. Facebook

by Yael Halon,

USA Swimming official Cynthia Millen said she can’t stand by and watch as girls are “thrown under the bus” by “biological” male competitors like Lia Thomas. Thomas, who competed as a man as recently as 2019, has been making waves and setting records in collegiate women’s swimming, a fact Millen called “grossly unfair.”

In an interview with Tucker Carlson, Millen detailed the different biological factors that impact a swimmer’s performance. “The fact is that swimming is a sport in which bodies compete against bodies. Identities do not compete against identities,” Millen said in an appearance on “Tucker Carlson Tonight.” “Men are different from women, men swimmers are different from women, and they will always be faster than women.”

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“All these women who worked so hard before Title IX when they didn’t have the opportunities that men had. It would be such a shame, such a travesty to throw it away now. This is what will happen.”

Read the full story at Fox News.

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