CJV Joins Foreign Policy Analysts in Protesting Amnesty’s Latest Anti-Israel Libel
February 23, 2022

The Vandenberg Coalition, a network of prominent foreign policy analysts, called upon rabbis from Coalition for Jewish Values to sign an open letter that condemns Amnesty International’s most recent report on Israel. In signing on, CJV representatives joined over 50 distinguished foreign policy and human rights professionals demanding that Amnesty International’s board members investigate AI’s obvious Antisemitic biases, errors of omission, and ongoing assault on the world’s only Jewish state.

The clear recommendation of Amnesty International’s report is nothing less than bringing an end to the existence of the Jewish state. We urge you, as board members who are charged with maintaining the operations and reputation of your institution, to condemn this report, withdraw these “findings,” and examine the processes by which such a biased and untruthful document was approved.

The CJV had already made clear that the report, “Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians: Cruel System of Domination and Crime Against Humanity,” is openly Antisemitic.

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