Rabbis Comment on Michigan Proposal 3
November 3, 2022
Coalition for Jewish Values (CJV), representing over 2,000 traditional, Orthodox rabbis in American public policy, today responded to Michigan’s Proposal 3 and similar efforts to declare “reproductive freedom” to be a fundamental right. This follows a letter from the Council of Orthodox Rabbis of Greater Detroit, calling legalization of elective abortion “a devaluation of human life and… something that is immoral & forbidden,” and urging congregants to oppose the measure.

CJV issued the following comment:

The letter from the Council of Orthodox Rabbis of Greater Detroit, needless to say, does not represent the rabbis’ personal beliefs or political leanings. The sacred nature of human life, including in the womb, is a basic Jewish tenet. This is the united opinion of all Jews faithful to Torah Law, unimpacted by declarations of individual Jews with contrary opinions.

CJV referred to its earlier Position Paper on Abortion for further detail on the Torah view.

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