CJV Expands; Leftists Panic
April 4, 2023

The hysteria with which progressives greeted the launch of CJV Missouri is the latest proof from our detractors that CJV has tremendous power to change public perception and bring America back towards its moral foundations. If CJV were actually “fringe” and unrepresentative, Leftists wouldn’t need to say anything at all.

Missourians support Biblical values, families, and children. And sadly, some of the loudest opposition in Missouri comes from Jewish institutions. A pro-values Jewish voice was lacking, and that is why CJV Missouri came to be.

Jewish Leftists are, to put it mildly, apoplectic. A rabbi at one of the largest Reform congregations in St. Louis Reform Congregations declared how “tolerant” he really is: “I’m all for these folks representing their fringe, politically-motivated conservative Jewish values in the public square. It’s just important that they not pretend that their positions are anything other than that: fringy.”

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And the head of T’ruah—a national organization of 2,300 anti-Israel, pro-terror rabbis and cantors—tries desperately to convince her followers that unless we list the names of our rabbinic supporters for them to target individually, why, they must not exist. [For good measure, she also states that Jewish values are “exemplified” by a woman advocating for trans procedures for preteen children.]

In this, they simply echoed the leader of the Reform movement, Rabbi Rick Jacobs, who called CJV a “fringe group” two years ago.

But in reality, CJV represents the overwhelming consensus of America’s rabbis… and when Rabbi Menken had the temerity to point this out, Rick Jacobs blocked him. Better to avoid the bad news!


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