Israel National News: Rabbis Helping Rabbis Help the Community
September 24, 2023

by the Israel National News

The following rabbonim spoke at the Siyum HaShas: Rabbi Pesach Lerner, chairman, Eretz HaKodesh, served as Siyum HaShas chairman; Rabbi Shimon Silver, rabbi of Young Israel of Greater Pittsburgh, made the Siyum HaShas; Rabbi Leibel Wulliger, rosh ha’kollel, Nachlas Dovid, Yeshivah Torah Vodaath, made the haschalas haShas; Rabbi Eluzer Nissan Rubin, maggid shiur, Klausenburg and Radomsk, Brooklyn, NY, gave an erudite Dvar Halacha in honor of the Siyum HaShas; Rabbi Ya’akov Shulman, presidium member, RAA/Igud, spoke about the rabbinic services offered by RAA/Igud; Rabbi Yehuda (Leonard) Blank, vice president of Professional Development and External Affairs, RAA/Igud, spoke about the continuing learning opportunities the organization has offered over the past year and new initiatives planned for the new year.


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As the Rabbinical Alliance of America, marks its eighty-first anniversary since its founding in 1942-5702, we express thanks to the Creator for all His kindnesses.

We are thankful that our esteemed member Rabbi Pesach Lerner, has done and continues to conduct yeoman contributions to American and Israeli Jewry, through his work within the ERETZ HAKODESH SECTOR of the Jewish Agency. We wish him continued success in these endeavors.


The RAA/Igud wishes to applaud the effective work of the CJV (Coalition of Jewish Values) a national organization that is the voice of twenty-five hundred orthodox rabbis, chaplains, and educators (many of them members of the RAA) who serve with diligence coast to coast in these great United States of America.

We are especially thankful that our member Rabbi Yaakov Menken, has reached a most visible national profile, on legacy media, and on social media, standing for the Jewish View on every major social issue affecting America and the world. Through the work of CJV, the views of Torah and our sacred traditions are being heard by millions of citizens and by our elected officials in Washington, D.C., and throughout the country. From gender fluidity issues to traditional family values, the CJV is doing a KIDDUSH HASHEM, and we wish them ever-growing success.

See the full article in the Israel National News

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