OutKick: Jewish Advocacy Group Calls for MLB, NBA, NFL to End Support of Black Lives Matter
October 27, 2023

by Ian Miller in OutKick

Black Lives Matter organizations in Detroit, Phoenix, Philadelphia, and a national grassroots BLM group all shared messages defending the attacks as part of decolonization efforts.

The embarrassing, offensive messages have forced companies like Coca-Cola to quietly erase their support. Despite proudly displaying it for years when they believed it scored them political points. Sports teams and leagues have also openly displayed their support for Black Lives Matter. And after the disgraceful statements this month, a Jewish advocacy group has had enough.

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The Coalition for Jewish Values posted a video Thursday on X, telling Major League Baseball, the NBA and NFL that it’s time to put an end to their association with BLM. Referencing that the organization has frequently made anti-Israel statements, calling it an “Imperialist” project that must be ended.

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The video displays just a few of the stomach-churning evil committed by Hamas, the same evil that’s cheered by BLM chapters for “resisting” Israel

Perhaps even more importantly, there’s been no significant denouncement by any other BLM organizations, local or national, of those who cheered on unspeakable terrorism. If this is what the Black Lives Matter groups are willing to support, how can sports leagues or corporations continue to promote or financially back them?

The BLM movement was supposedly about combating hate and racism in the modern world. But Hamas’ terrorist attacks are some of the most extreme examples of hate and racism seen in decades. And instead of condemning it, numerous BLM chapters in major cities rushed to support it.

Sports leagues rushed to fall in line in 2020, believing that displaying their public support would ingratiate them with the media and political left. Fenway Park in Boston still has the MLB logo proudly displayed next to a message reading “Black Lives Matter.”

How can they continue that support when organizations associated with that messaging are now openly supporting terrorism? How can they claim to care about “inclusivity” or making everyone feel welcome at the ballpark, when BLM groups are cheering the mass slaughter of Jews?

See the full article in OutKick

Photo Credit: Fibonacci Blue on Flickr

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