Tampa Free Press: Florida Rep. Greg Steube Rips Biden Admin On Eyeing “West Bank” Label On Some Israeli Imports
April 15, 2024

by Mike Jenkins in the Tampa Free Press

U.S. Representative Greg Steube (R-Fla.) spearheaded a letter, along with colleagues Neal Dunn (R-Fla.), Chuck Fleischmann (R-Tenn.), and Andy Ogles (R-Tenn.), criticizing the Biden Administration for considering reversing a Trump Administration decision on the labeling of select Israeli goods.

The reversal would be economically damaging to Israel by encouraging the antisemitic Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) Movement to target the country even more, according to the congress members.

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“It’s completely wrong that the administration is considering taking an official trade action to hurt Israel. The U.S. is Israel’s single largest trade partner, and the Biden Administration should not do anything to jeopardize our robust relationship,” said Rep. Steube.

“It is common sense for goods produced in certain areas of Judea and Samaria, also known as the ‘West Bank’ to be labeled as ‘Made in Israel’ because Israel exercises relevant authority in these areas. President Trump was right to make that designation. If Biden goes through with reversing this trade policy decision, it will legitimize antisemitic efforts to weaken and isolate our closest ally in the Middle East,” said Steube.

The letter is supported by: The Coalition for Jewish Values, the Republican Jewish Coalition, and the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA).

“Labeling Jewish products from Judea as anything other than products of Israel should remind us that the Nazis began their campaign of hate by labeling Jewish stores and products. It endorses the patently antisemitic narrative that Jews returning to property from which they were ethnically cleansed by rioting mobs and the Jordanian Army are ‘occupiers.’ The United States must always strive for honesty and decency,” said Rabbi Steven Pruzansky, Israel Regional Vice President, Coalition for Jewish Values…

See the full article in the Tampa Free Press

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