The College Fix: Jewish staffer quits Clark University, citing ‘hate-filled’ backlash to private advocacy
May 14, 2024

Emily Rosecrans in The College Fix

A Jewish administrator has a new home at a Catholic college after she says a “hate-filled” backlash drove her from job at Clark University

Mary Jane Rein recently resigned as executive director of the Strassler Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies at the Massachusetts college, citing “unruly and hate-filled” backlash to her Jewish advocacy work and a lack of support from Clark’s administrators.

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But Jewish advocacy group leaders told The Fix universities should be doing more to support Jewish faculty and staff.

Rabbi Yaakov Menken, managing director of the Coalition for Jewish Values, said silencing Jewish voices is not new on college campuses.

“They have been silencing Israeli and Jewish voices for years, as administrators did nothing,” Menken told The Fix in an email. “To silence voices you don’t like is against everything that academia claims to stand for: the pursuit of knowledge.”

Originally published in The College Fix

Photo Credit: Kenneth C. Zirkel on Wikimedia Commons

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