The Forward: The Jewish moments to expect (and not expect) at the Republican convention
July 11, 2024

by Ron Kampeas in The Forward

The Republican convention taking place here next week will be the closest ever to Donald Trump’s vision for America. Expect some typically validating — and jarring — moments for the Jewish community.

Antisemitism got a single mention in the GOP platform: “Republicans condemn antisemitism, and support revoking Visas of Foreign Nationals who support terrorism and jihadism. We will hold accountable those who perpetrate violence against Jewish people.”

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That single mention drew restrained praise from the Coalition for Jewish Values, the conservative network of Orthodox rabbis that has in the past praised Trump’s policies. “We specifically asked the platform committees to address both hostility on campus and the problem of foreign nationals who come to America in order to incite hatred,” it said in a statement. “We think it significant that both of these issues, of great concern to Jewish Americans and many others, were given attention despite the brevity of the RNC platform.”

See the full article in The Forward

Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore on Flickr

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