CJV Announces Key Leadership and Organizational Advancements
December 29, 2024

Coalition for Jewish Values (CJV), representing over 2,500 traditional, Orthodox rabbis in American public policy, today announced key leadership advancements and a strategic new hire as part of its continued growth. The Rabbinic Board has welcomed Rabbi Yonah Gross of Philadelphia, PA, as Mid-Atlantic Regional Vice President, Yehuda Prero is joining the organization as Director of Operations, and Rabbi Yaakov Menken has been promoted to Executive Vice President.

“I am honored to join the Rabbinic Board and to help amplify Torah values in the public sphere,” said Rabbi Yonah Gross, who serves as Rabbi of Congregation Beth Hamedrosh in Wynnewood, PA, and Kashrus Administrator for Community Kashrus of Greater Philadelphia (Keystone-K). “I look forward to participating with CJV to champion family values, religious freedom, and moral clarity.”

Yehuda Prero echoed Rabbi Gross’s enthusiasm. He brings invaluable experience, including as the Youth Director for Congregation Ohab Zedek in Manhattan, to the role of CJV Director of Operations. “I am excited to join the Coalition for Jewish Values during this pivotal growth phase,” said Prero. “I aim to streamline and advance the efforts of CJV to help our rabbis, volunteers, and donors to make a still greater impact.”

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Rabbi Yaakov Menken, who has directed the organization since its founding, said he was honored nonetheless to become CJV’s Executive Vice President. “I deeply appreciate this recognition from our President and the Rabbinic Board,” said Rabbi Menken, “but I think it says more about the growth of what we have created. The executive title is required for the organization and its voice in public policy, and all of our rabbis, donors, staff, and partners deserve credit for that.”

Photo: Rabbi Yonah Gross

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