Ongoing Transgender Swimming Controversy Highlights the Failure to Protect Women’s Rights
February 23, 2022

An in-depth analysis has laid bare the continued failure of our institutions to protect women’s sports against the onslaught of transgender ideology.

Let’s be clear through the eye of aquatic experience: Thomas, who has been allowed to rocket to the helm of pace in women’s swimmer as Lia, a trans athlete who grew from boy to man before making a gender choice just two seasons after racing as Will, an average club-standard swimmer in the ranks of men, is holding back.
Holding back. An art mastered by those who know they’ve won before the gun goes off. Holding back, as in me racing a class of seven-year-olds down a lap on freestyle… as in a woman bulked on steroids taking on clean rivals knowing she can’t lose; as in the very opposite of fair sport.

Thomas’ record-busting season has drawn attention to the transgender agenda and its cost to women’s sports. Few things make the reality and continued relevance of biological sex clearer than the sight of a man collecting victories by racing only women.

Yet gender ideology and its agenda threaten so much more than women’s sports, or even the scholarships and opportunities for accomplishment denied to the women and girls these policies have disenfranchised. The same “logic” that permits Lia Thomas to trounce his female competitors in meet after meet has allowed men to enter the spaces where women — and children — are most vulnerable, from school restrooms and locker rooms to rape crisis shelters and prisons.

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