The Importance of Pushback
March 29, 2022

Judge Jackson is almost certain to be confirmed; why was it important to make a statement?

CJV tries to make thoughtful statements that will have an impact. Sometimes, though, that is with a long-term view. Issuing a response to Judge Jackson’s testimony, when she is almost certain to be confirmed, was such a case.

Jackson’s statement about the African Hebrew Israelites was almost certainly not made with malice, but simply out of ignorance. But the fact remains that there are many violent sects of Hebrew Israelites, and all of them share a theological belief that Africans are the true Israelites of the Bible, and the Jews are imposters. It was important to highlight that this was a serious error on her part, because a judge’s words can have great significance.

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There was also a side benefit. Our description of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency as a “biased left-wing outlet” attracted notice, and we are now in dialogue regarding why we believe this was a fair description. In fact, the evidence is truly overwhelming, and we hope that this will turn into an opportunity for real change, for the JTA to give all sides fair and impartial coverage. Given the general state of the media today, this may seem like an impossible dream, but improvement rarely happens all at once, overnight. Usually it is a matter of ongoing, small steps. As everyone will benefit, and the JTA most of all, it is worth the attempt.

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