Rabbi Menken on OAN and The Lars Larson Show: Disney and Terror
April 12, 2022

On Monday, Rabbi Menken appeared on “The Real Story” with Dana Alexa of One America News, to talk Florida’s Parental Rights Bill, Disney’s response, and a woke mob with no interest in rational debate.

“You have to bow to this new, woke ideology or you’re hateful and wrong. They will not talk to you, and that’s what cancel culture is about. It’s the idea that simply because a person has ideas that you disagree with, that person must be evil and reprehensible and must not be listened to, must not have a chance to voice their opinion.”

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Rabbi Menken then spoke with Lars Larson on the latest spate of violence in Israel. Were the recent shootings the work of terrorists? Why do Palestinian Arabs shoot Jews in Tel Aviv and Bnai Brak, far from “disputed territory?” The truth, Rabbi Menken explains, is that to the enemies of the tiny Jewish State all Israeli territories are stolen goods. By this logic, Jews in Judea—the land that bears their name—are occupiers, and civilians are fair game.

Photo Credit: Screenshot. Yaakov Menken on YouTube.

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