CJV Opposes Biden Rulemaking for “Gender-Affirming” Care
October 4, 2022

On October 3rd, CJV filed comment with the Department of Health and Human Services, opposing proposed rulemaking titled “Nondiscrimination in Health Programs and Activities.”

Contrary to the sweet title, the rule would force every doctor, nurse, and healthcare provider in America to make an impossible choice: ignore your religious teachings and personal conscience, or give up your career. Meanwhile, it would facilitate unlimited feticide, abortion at any time, and permanent damage to physically healthy people, including children.

HHS would compel healthcare workers to participate in elective abortions and “gender-affirming care.” Transgender “medicine” now includes an ever-expanding roster of surgical procedures and hormone treatments administered for no reason other than to make a person more closely resemble a member of the opposite sex.

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By requiring healthcare professionals to participate in “gender-affirming” procedures to which they object, the NPRM would compel healers to compromise their most deeply held principles. Instead of providing patients with the best possible care, they will be ordered to lend their hard-won expertise to interventions they consider medically unnecessary, dangerous, and destructive. Furthermore, the requirements demand that medical practitioners provide “gender-affirming” care to minors.

Pre-med, medical, and nursing students are already reconsidering their course of study and specialty. If the changes go forward, many will leave healthcare altogether.

The result? A class of physicians, nurses, and healthcare providers the government can trust to follow orders—no matter how irrational or immoral. As Jews, we find this frankly terrifying, given our experience with just this sort of regime and its “healthcare” system less than a century ago.

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