First published in American Greatness:
They are my great protectors — leftist Jews, professional Democrat Jews, Jews in Hollywood and on Broadway, Jews in the liberal mainstream media. For a year and more, they have been in the forefront protecting me from the “anti-Semitism” of candidate — now President — Donald Trump, from Steve Bannon and Breitbart, and from the Republican Party. There they are, yelling “anti-Semitism!” and worrying about me. And oh how they care for Israel!
They are as false as the Fake News they spread about the President of the United States. I know. I am a Jew all day every day. I wear a yarmulka at home, at work, indoors, and outdoors. I walk an hour to and from synagogue on my Sabbath, replete with yarmulka, engaging society around me. My clerical colleagues and friends among the Catholic Diocese where I live, among the Protestant pastors and ministers whom I count dearly, among the non-Jews in all walks of my life, all know I am a Jew. I am not the kind of Jew whose kitchen observes Judaism, while I eat lobster and pork outside. And I am sick and tired of seeing and hearing these professional leftists — liberals and radical left activists who often are employed and paid well for their left-driven agenda activism — manipulating the happenstance of their Jewish birth to justify hurling vile and baseless accusations of “anti-Semitism” against those in the Trump Administration who, if anything, are actually “philo-Semitic.”
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If these leftists are so concerned about anti-Semitism, why is it that so many among them never once sought to protect me or Israel from Barack Obama or John Kerry? When Obama and Kerry combined to imperil Israel by entering into an horrific deal with Iran, they were quiet. When Obama insulted the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, treating him like a beggar from Jerusalem, forcing Bibi to wait outside while the Obamas dined, they did not complain. They do not condemn the anti-Semitism of Al Sharpton, nor challenge Obama when he began his second Presidential campaign by meeting with Sharpton’s organization. Where were they when Kerry and Obama ambushed Israel at the very end of Obama’s term, refusing to veto the anti-Semitic United Nations Security Council resolution that declared this outright lie: Jews have no connection to East Jerusalem?
They are not playing with a full deck.
Read more at American Greatness.