Rabbis Endorse Confirmation of Judge Gorsuch for SCOTUS

The Coalition for Jewish Values (CJV) today endorsed the approval by the United States Senate Judiciary Committee of the nomination of the Hon. Neil Gorsuch to serve as a Justice on the United States Supreme Court, and urged confirmation of his appointment by the full...

Rabbinic Group Welcomes Confirmation of David Friedman

The Coalition for Jewish Values enthusiastically welcomed the US Senate confirmation of David Friedman has as the new Ambassador to Israel. “We were delighted with the nomination and are delighted with his confirmation,” said Rabbi Yaakov Menken, Director...

Rabbis Condemn Specious Accusations of Anti-Semitism

The Coalition for Jewish Values today harshly condemned “specious accusations of anti-Semitism” coming from sectors of the Jewish community, directed at US government officials and the Trump Administration as a whole, dismissing these allegations as...

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