Letters & Statements
Amicus Curiae to NY Supreme Court in YU Pride Alliance v. Yeshiva University
Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary was formed to bolster higher education for Orthodox Judaism and create an American Torah enclave.
Amicus Curiae to US Supreme Court in YU Pride Alliance v. Yeshiva University
Amici recognize the danger that the lower court decision poses to religious institutions, and urge SCOTUS to reverse.
ZOA Coalition Letter Requesting Denial of Visa to Iranian President Ayatollah Raisi
Raisi plans to speak at the UN, after threatening to turn New York into “ruins and hell.”
Healthcare Council joins Coalition letter to American Medical Association
Demands protections of doctors’ freedom of conscience be retained.
Coalition Letter opposing “Respect for Marriage” Act
CJV & Coalition partners denounced the so-called “Respect for Marriage Act” as an attack on those with traditional views on marriage.
Letter Urging NYC Council Members to Address Faculty Antisemitism at CUNY
The CUNY Law Faculty, callously indifferent to how Academic BDS will subvert the educational opportunities and threaten the safety of CUNY students, endorsed a resolution following the guidelines for an antisemitic academic boycott of Israel.
Letter to Gov. Hochul Requesting Action Regarding Ben & Jerry’s Antisemitic Boycott
We write to express our deep concern about your failure to follow through on the warning you issued to Unilever and Ben & Jerry’s in November.
Comment on Proposed New York Education Regulations for Nonpublic School Students
The proposed intervention is unwarranted, unconstitutional as applied to parochial education, and obviously detrimental to the excellence both sought and demonstrated by yeshivos in New York State.

CJV Joins AMCHA Initiative in Coalition Letter to US Education Sec. Cardona
The letter urges the Department of Education to establish safeguards prohibiting federally funded programs from implementing an academic boycott of Israel (or any other country).

CJV Joins Amicus Curiae in Marvin Gerber v. Henry Herskovitz, et al.
Week after week, year after year, protesters have forced Beth Israel’s congregation to run a gauntlet of openly Antisemitic vitriol. A new case may change that.