Letters & Statements
Letter Urging NYC Council Members to Address Faculty Antisemitism at CUNY
The CUNY Law Faculty, callously indifferent to how Academic BDS will subvert the educational opportunities and threaten the safety of CUNY students, endorsed a resolution following the guidelines for an antisemitic academic boycott of Israel.
Letter to Gov. Hochul Requesting Action Regarding Ben & Jerry’s Antisemitic Boycott
We write to express our deep concern about your failure to follow through on the warning you issued to Unilever and Ben & Jerry’s in November.
Comment on Proposed New York Education Regulations for Nonpublic School Students
The proposed intervention is unwarranted, unconstitutional as applied to parochial education, and obviously detrimental to the excellence both sought and demonstrated by yeshivos in New York State.
CJV Joins AMCHA Initiative in Coalition Letter to US Education Sec. Cardona
The letter urges the Department of Education to establish safeguards prohibiting federally funded programs from implementing an academic boycott of Israel (or any other country).
CJV Joins Amicus Curiae in Marvin Gerber v. Henry Herskovitz, et al.
Week after week, year after year, protesters have forced Beth Israel’s congregation to run a gauntlet of openly Antisemitic vitriol. A new case may change that.
Amicus Curiae in Joseph Kennedy v. Bremerton School District
Individual prayer is a 1st Amendment right. Orthodox Jewish teachers must be able to pray Mincha (the Afternoon Service) on school property.
Letter to HHS Sec. Xavier Becerra in Support of Free Religious Practice in Foster Care
CJV Joins Foreign Policy Analysts in Protesting Amnesty International’s Latest Anti-Israel Libel
As a group of former U.S. government officials, national security experts, and supporters of human rights, we are incensed by Amnesty’s sloppy and unserious February 1st report condemning Israel.
Holston Home CEO Bradley Williams Visits Baltimore Jewish Community
Rabbis and Jewish leaders voiced their conviction that Jewish and Christian agencies had the right to only partner with those sharing their faith.
Letter to TN Gov. Bill Lee in Support of Free Religious Practice in Foster Care
That a charity be able to work uniquely with co-religionists is a key freedom that Americans of all faiths, especially American Jews, should seek to preserve.