Letters & Statements

Amicus Curiae in NYS vs HHS

The Jewish people have paid a staggering price for the right to practice their religion. Having suffered a long history of anti-Semitic persecution and discrimination, Jews understand that the words “religious liberty” must not be allowed to devolve into a meaningless catch phrase.

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Amicus Curiae Supporting The Little Sisters of the Poor

Amicus Curiae Supporting The Little Sisters of the Poor

We learned that it may be worthwhile to know who else has joined a particular Amicus Curiae brief before agreeing to participate. But it is certain that we presented a suitably diverse group of signatories to demonstrate that our concern is global across all religious boundaries.

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Letter in Support of Rep. Rob Wittman’s HR 5651, the Adoption Information Act

The Adoption Information Act should not be controversial or tied to the debate regarding abortion itself. It merely informs those seeking family planning services that adoption centers are available should a woman choose to carry her baby to term. As there are more parents seeking infant adoption than infants waiting to be adopted, requiring that women be notified merely increases the likelihood of a win/win/win result for all three parties involved.

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Coalition Letter Opposing House Resolution 326

The resolution ignores the fact that the Palestinian Authority rejected Israel’s multiple attempts at peace, where it had offered to give up over 90% of Judea and Samaria. It does not acknowledge the reality that when Israel left the Gaza Strip, all they received in return is its citizens living under the constant threat of rocket fire, kite bombs, and terror tunnels.

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Coalition Letter to Education Secretary Betsy DeVos: 88 Organizations Urge Safeguards Against NRC Abuse of Federal Funds

It is of particular concern that more than half the directors of currently Title VI-funded Middle East Studies National Resource Centers (NRCs) have pledged support for an academic boycott of Israel or engaged in boycott-compliant behavior, including attempts to shut down their universities’ study abroad programs in Israel, as have these centers’ affiliated faculty

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Letter to Rep. Andy Levin Et Al Regarding Israeli Settlements

It is regrettable that you signed a letter that undermines America’s most steadfast ally, a country which has always sought peace, yet which overwhelmingly endorsed the move of the US Embassy to Jerusalem, recognition of its sovereignty over the Golan Heights, and Mr. Pompeo’s recent declaration that Jewish settlements in Judea are legal.

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