Letters & Statements
Letter to Maryland Senate Pres. Bill Ferguson RE:Pro-Abortion Amendment
To ensconce abortion as a right in the Maryland Constitution would trample the views and values of Marylands who regard abortion as an abhorrent practice, better left with its partner, infanticide, in the annals of history.
Public Comment to Revision of HHS Regulations to Benefit Religious Freedom
The Coalition for Jewish Values strongly favors reversal of Obama-era regulations which impeded free religious practice in a way liable to harm the beneficiaries most of all, such as children needing foster care.
Coalition Letter Opposing House Resolution 326
The resolution ignores the fact that the Palestinian Authority rejected Israel’s multiple attempts at peace, where it had offered to give up over 90% of Judea and Samaria. It does not acknowledge the reality that when Israel left the Gaza Strip, all they received in return is its citizens living under the constant threat of rocket fire, kite bombs, and terror tunnels.
Coalition Letter to Education Secretary Betsy DeVos: 88 Organizations Urge Safeguards Against NRC Abuse of Federal Funds
It is of particular concern that more than half the directors of currently Title VI-funded Middle East Studies National Resource Centers (NRCs) have pledged support for an academic boycott of Israel or engaged in boycott-compliant behavior, including attempts to shut down their universities’ study abroad programs in Israel, as have these centers’ affiliated faculty
Letter to Rep. Andy Levin Et Al Regarding Israeli Settlements
It is regrettable that you signed a letter that undermines America’s most steadfast ally, a country which has always sought peace, yet which overwhelmingly endorsed the move of the US Embassy to Jerusalem, recognition of its sovereignty over the Golan Heights, and Mr. Pompeo’s recent declaration that Jewish settlements in Judea are legal.
Coalition Letter Advocating Separation of Payments to Abortion Providers
We are grateful for the ongoing efforts within the Trump administration and the Department of Health and Human Services to align health-related policies with pro-life principles, to protect women and their unborn babies, and to protect taxpayers from being unwilling participants in abortion funding. To continue this goal, we write to urge the finalization of the abortion separate payments rule.
Coalition Letter on International Abortion Funding
Of course, what [Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH)] refers to as bias is, in fact, a policy designed to protect the lives of unborn children who suffer the ultimate bias when they are disregarded as undeserving of legal protection. Consistent with the bipartisan budget agreement, we ask that you reject the Shaheen amendment.
Comment on Proposed FCCP Religious Exemption Rule
This rule will ensure that faith-based organizations are able to participate on an equal basis in providing services to the Federal Government and the American People.
To NYS Board of Regents Regarding Education Rules
Despite an intense dual curriculum, students in those Jewish schools which administer the NYS Regents’ examinations outperform those in the public school system – and dominate the top-scoring private schools in English, Algebra 2/Trigonometry, and Global History. The idea that the parents, teachers and school administrators of our community are unable to properly set curricula, requiring outside oversight and enforcement, expresses profound disregard of our long legacy of pursuit of knowledge.
83 Organizations Urge Safeguards Against Political Indoctrination in California Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum
Our organizations share all of the serious concerns raised by the Jewish Caucus. We are writing to you, however, because we believe these concerns highlight a much deeper and graver problem, namely, the fact that an educational curriculum can be hijacked by those pushing a political and hateful agenda.