Letters & Statements

CJV-Led Coalition Letter of 21 Organizations to the President Regarding Judea & Samaria

We note with dismay that the letter from left-wing groups makes no mention of the unbroken 3300-year heritage of the unique religious and historical connection between Jews and the Land of Israel, including Judea and Samaria, from which Jews were only removed via massacres and ethnic cleansing. It also makes no mention of the unceasing hostility Jews have faced since establishing contemporary self-governance in their homeland.

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103 Orgs Thank Pitzer College President Oliver for Moral Leadership

Our organizations heartily applaud you for your courageous leadership in vetoing the College Council’s vote to shut down Pitzer’s study abroad program at the University of Haifa. Your staunch defense of the academic freedom and educational opportunities of Pitzer students and faculty in the face of an academic boycott of Israel is exemplary.

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Coalition Letter to Speaker Pelosi and Chairman Engel

We hope you will continue to demonstrate your commitment to the high moral standards of your office by removing Rep. Omar, a woman who has repeatedly exhibited strong biases against the State of Israel and the Jewish people, from this critically important and sensitive committee.

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Thank You from 101 Organizations to All 10 UC Chancellors

We especially appreciate your unequivocal declaration that an academic boycott of Israel “poses a direct
and serious threat to the academic freedom of our students and faculty, as well the unfettered
exchange of ideas and perspectives on our campuses, including debate and discourse regarding conflicts
in the Middle East.”

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