Letters & Statements

Thank You from 101 Organizations to All 10 UC Chancellors

We especially appreciate your unequivocal declaration that an academic boycott of Israel “poses a direct
and serious threat to the academic freedom of our students and faculty, as well the unfettered
exchange of ideas and perspectives on our campuses, including debate and discourse regarding conflicts
in the Middle East.”

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58 Group Letter to University of Michigan President Schlissel

When faculty like Prof. Cheney-Lippold go as far as implementing the boycott’s guidelines by taking action to suppress students’ ability to travel to or study about Israel, they have abrogated the most basic professorial responsibility of promoting the academic welfare of their students.

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Letter to Stephen Miller following Rosh HaShanah Sermon Video

One need be neither Jewish nor particularly religious to find something deeply unsettling, even unseemly, in a Rabbi wasting the special opportunity to uplift his congregation at such an auspicious hour, to instead engage in a shameful personal attack on a former congregant.

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Letter Commending CUFI-UK Declaration

In the current environment, it takes courage to boldly and clearly state this simple truth. The members of CUFI demonstrate boldness and strength of character as they stand up against bigotry in all its forms.

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