Letters & Statements
Statement of 250 Rabbis Regarding Same-Gender Relationships
This is a contextual translation of the statement of 250 rabbis regarding LGBT marches and surrogacy of same-gender couples which recently attracted media attention in Israel, and was the topic of our recent press release.
Letter to Jerry Silverman, President & CEO of JFNA, Regarding General Assembly Program
North American Federation leaders will have a special opportunity to engage in a dialogue with their Israeli counterparts. But perhaps instead of merely saying “We Need to Talk,” should not the Federations recognize that they still more urgently need to listen?
CJV Public Comment Favoring Changes to Title X of the Public Health Service Act
Contrary to what you may have been led to believe, Judaism clearly rejects termination of fetal life as a legitimate method of family planning. The proposed revisions will be a significant improvement over the current regulations in multiple ways, and we urge their adoption.
‘Illegal’ Missing From Rabbi’s Essay
It is always risky to try to shoehorn one’s political or ideological agenda into the Bible’s narrative. For every proof in one direction, an opposing view can be elicited as well from the same Bible. Missing from Rabbi Berman’s article was one key word — “illegal.”
Letter to University System of Maryland Chancellor Concerning Professor in Viral Video Bias Incident
“I was asked politely by a Chabad shliach if I was interested in putting on tefillin, and I responded positively. This woman then appeared and began screeching and interfering. It is so unfortunate that Jews here are persecuted by the ‘leftist bohemian types.’ If I were a Muslim or Christian would this behavior be seen as legitimate?”
Letter to American University President Concerning Professor in Viral Video Bias Incident
UPDATE: The Director of Strategic Communications at American University, Mark Story, reached out to us on behalf of the President to apologize for the erroneous web page listing, and to confirm that Ms. Peri has not taught at AU since 2015.
Letter to Principal Lacey of Beacon High School Concerning Moment of Silence
If the school is only going to commemorate those killed while trying to murder Jews, but not victims of terror attacks around the world, is the school honoring humanity, or barbarism?
Special Memorandum: Concerning the Recent HUC Graduation
On May 14 at the Stephen S. Wise Temple in Los Angeles, California, the Hebrew Union College – Jewish Institute of Religion held its annual graduation and ordination ceremony. The speaker was a well-known anti-Israel activist, who used the opportunity to not only demonize Israel’s self-defense, but even to oppose Jewish endogamy, Jews marrying Jews.
CJV Joins Coalition Letters to Four Universities Harboring Anti-Semitic Conduct
Students at Columbia University, New York University, Syracuse University and University of California Irvine are deploying a repeated and deliberate strategy to create a hostile climate for Jewish and Zionist students and, in turn, suppress any and all pro-Israel expression on campus. The CJV joined 60 organizations demanding that the heads of these schools address this harassment and violation of civil rights.
Coalition Asks Oklahoma Gov. to Protect Conscience Rights of Adoption & Foster Care Providers
Birth parents who desire to place their children for adoption should be able to choose an agency that shares their values. In particular, keeping kids first involves protecting the birth mother’s choice to place the child with the family she feels is best.