Letters & Statements
60 Organizations Call for Steps to Address Exclusionary Behavior at Cal Poly
Demanding that only Zionist groups be excluded from a request for an increase in student government funding is both hateful and discriminatory. The implications of the Drylongso Collective’s statement for the safety and well-being of Jewish and pro-Israel students on your campus are highly troubling.
Support for the Child Welfare Provider Inclusion Act of 2017 (H.R. 1881)
The Child Welfare Provider Inclusion Act of 2017 (H.R. 1881) protects child welfare providers from being discriminated against by government entities due to the providers’ religious beliefs or moral convictions.
60 Groups Thank & Commend Chancellor White and CSU Trustees
We greatly appreciate your prompt attention to this matter, as well as President Wong’s statement clearly noting that the post was unacceptable, that corrective action would be taken, and that the university’s web presence would be better safeguarded from such misuse in the future.
60 Organizations Urge Investigation of SFSU Academic Program
We are writing out of deep concern for the safety and well-being of Jewish students at San Francisco State University, following the posting of an incendiary message on the official Facebook page of the Arab and Muslim Ethnicities and Diasporas (AMED) program at the university’s College of Ethnic Studies.
CJV Urges Senate Passage of the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act
The Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act is a reasonable and prudent step back from policies which degrade fetal life. It turns America back towards the bedrock moral ideals at the root of first-world civilizations
Phony Kotel Issue
Nothing could be more germane than the fact that Michaeli never prays at the Wall. She represents no constituency as she demands expansion of a space that is hardly used at present.
Sixty Jewish, Christian, education and civil rights groups urge support of Kenneth Marcus
We are 60 Jewish, Christian, education and civil rights organizations, representing millions of your constituents. We write to urge you to immediately confirm Kenneth L. Marcus to head the Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights.
Political Theater at the Kotel
Rabbi Jacobs could have prayed at the space allocated by the government for his use, but he spurned it, bent upon imposing his diversion from Jewish tradition upon those who follow it. Although but one Torah scroll is required for a weekday morning service, he led a group carrying eight, misusing them as props in his political theater.
CJV Calls on YU to Disavow Anti-Israel Statement Signed by YU Professor
Following America’s historic recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, some 165 self-described “Jewish Studies scholars” signed a public statement denouncing the U.S. action and falsely accusing Israel of mistreating Arab residents of the city. The statement reads as objectively as a typical UN resolution on Israel.
#EdTaxCredit50 Coalition Urges Congress to Expand 529 Savings Plans to Include K-12 Tuition
Thank you for your leadership in including in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act a provision to expand 529 college savings accounts to include K-12 tuition.