Letters & Statements
Request to Congressional Leadership for Condemnation of Antisemitic “Nakba” Event
CJV requests Congress’ clear, bipartisan condemnation of Rashida Tlaib’s event entitled “Nakba 75 and the Palestinian People.”
Amicus in “Masterpiece III” Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Autumn Scardina
Colorado is committing systemic First Amendment violations, and it is past time for this Court to intervene.
Amicus in School of the Ozarks v. Biden
The College will be under constant threat of a sex discrimination claim because it limits women’s dormitories to biological women, and must have standing to argue its free speech claim.
CJV Comment Opposing Proposed Rescission of Free Inquiry Rule
This rule would rescind regulations designed to ensure that religious groups at public universities are given the same rights as other student groups.
Amicus in Foote v. Ludlow School Committee
The school encouraged appellants’ children to use new names & adopt an entirely new identity, & hid these important decisions from their parents.
A Letter of Support for Equal Campus Access
Basic religious freedom and common sense require that a religious group be permitted to mandate that its leaders agree with its religious message.
The Unseen Threat of the Mapping Project
One can argue that the objective of the Mapping Project is not only to incite hated of Jews, but to threaten US stability and security.
Letter Regarding Rescission of the 2019 Conscience Rule
The proposed changes found in the NPRM threaten healthcare providers’ freedom of conscience and religious beliefs.
Letter to Governor Hochul about Justice for Joey Bergen
Failing to impose severe consequences for antisemitic attacks would send the dangerous message that Jews can be brutally attacked with impunity.
Amicus Curiae in Gerber vs Herskovitz COLPA
This panel decision will deter the future assertion of the legal rights of minorities to prevent private conduct that violates civil rights.