In the News

St. Louis Jewish Light: Rabbi Ze’ev Smason to lead Missouri chapter of Coalition for Jewish Values
CJV Missouri has provided testimony before the state legislature in Jefferson City and had a letter appear in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.

Post Millennial: ‘First openly transgender rabbi’ slammed by Jews, Rabbis after claiming ancient Judaism recognized ‘a range of genders’
The Talmud speaks about several biological abnormalities but does not mention a person deciding after birth that they are a different gender,

Israel 365 News: US Orthodox Rabbis’ Group finds common ground with Christians, is frequently at odds with secular Jews
The left-wing ‘Jewish’ groups have flooded the public spotlight. While they claim to be Jewish, they represent the antithesis of Torah values.

Jewish Insider: Orthodox Jewish leaders talk antisemitism with White House officials
CJV, along with other Orthodox Jewish leaders and community members, shared their experiences with antisemitism in a meeting with WH officials.

JTA: Conservative political activism has grown increasingly crusading. These Jews feel right at home.
Jews need to make their presence known, especially in value spaces where there is a prevailing Jewish narrative that goes in the opposite direction.

Daily Signal: Orthodox Rabbi Debunks Left’s Claim That Conservatives Want To Force ‘Christian Values’ Down Americans’ Throats
Conservative values need a Jewish voice, and CJV emerged because there was nobody speaking out on behalf of Jewish tradition.

The Daily Signal: ‘Peak Parody’ and ‘Beyond Deplorable’: Jewish CPAC Attendees Slam ADL’s Attack on Orthodox Jewish Speaker
The extremists are those who call it ‘normal’ to mutilate minor children and put [intact] biological men in women’s private spaces.

JNS: Jewish leaders pen letter supporting Newsmax as ‘invaluable voice’
Newsmax offers an invaluable voice, as Jewish advocates are frequent Newsmax guests and many of them cannot be found on other networks.

DV Journal: Jewish Activists Call Out Dem Vote to Keep Omar on Key Committee
Omar is certainly welcome to represent her constituents, but her antisemitic, anti-Israel bias makes her unfit to be on the foreign affairs committee.

Rabbi Menken on VIN News: Ilhan Omar ‘knows nothing about Jews except she hates them’
Ilhan Omar cannot tell the difference between Democratic first-world armies defending the lives of their citizens, and terrorist organizations.