In the News

CNS News: 13 Faith Leaders Sue, Claim MO Abortion Ban Violates Separation of Church and State
CJV denounced a lawsuit filed against the State of Missouri which claims that Missouri’s abortion ban violates their religious beliefs.
World Israel News: Orthodox rabbinic group slams lawsuit by ‘woke’ rabbis claiming abortion is a ‘Jewish value’
The rejection of elective abortion is also rooted in the Jewish Bible, the foundation of monotheism and moral authority.

The Daily Signal: Amazon Retires Amazon Smile, Won’t Say If Replacement Programs Will Continue to Systematically Exclude Conservatives
Many organizations, including CJV, have criticized Amazon for using the SPLC to limit specific nonprofits from receiving Amazon Smile funding.

The Jewish Press: Major Sabbath-Observer Protection In The Offing?
CJV, along with other major Orthodox Jewish organizations, joined in an amicus curiae brief relating to freedom of religion in the workforce.

The Washington Stand: What Every Christian Needs to Know about Anti-Semitism
Christians need to realize that those who hate their Biblical values will often go after the Jews first, but never end with the Jews.

Townhall: After ‘Catholic’ Pelosi Blocked Born-Alive Bill, New Republican Majority Makes It a Priority
The bill requires that infants born alive from failed abortions receive the same care as any other newborn at that gestational age.

Wagner, Scalise, Cammack Introduce Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act
Every American who recognizes the value of human life should support protection for an infant, even if born as the result of an abortion

JNS: Letters slam major Jewish organizations for criticizing Netanyahu government
Schonfeld and Menken criticized the Jewish Agency letter for disparaging the religious “status quo agreement.”

The Daily Signal: Antisemitic Hate Crimes Doubled in NYC as The New York Times Targeted Orthodox Jews, Hasidic Group Says
To the Times, the victims of the majority of NYC’s hate crimes are privileged. There’s simply no other way to describe it than antisemitic propaganda.

Jerusalem Post: Two US Orthodox orgs offer support to Netanyahu government, slam Jewish Agency
“It must be noted that these comments that have been made to you do not represent the voices of all Diaspora Jewry,” they said.