In the News

The Washington Free Beacon: Rabbis Press Dem Leader Schumer To Pass Bills To Combat Anti-Semitism
As the one tasked with scheduling items for deliberation in the Senate, Schumer can ensure that the govt takes concrete action to fight antisemitism.

VIN News: Orthodox Jews Slam UN Official for Egregious Comments About Miracle Rescue Op
No hostages were “released.” They were rescued in a military operation because Hamas uses Arab civilians as human shields.

Israel 365 News: Keep God’s Land Shows Solidarity with Israeli President Herzog in Response to ICC Arrest Warrant Threats
CJV joined a letter expressing unwavering support for Israel and condemnation of the ICC’s actions.

The Daily Signal: Conservative Groups Respond to Getting Left Off SPLC ‘Hate Map’
“CJV also supports parental rights, traditional values, and religious liberty, so why won’t the SPLC list CJV as a hate group?”

Live Action: BuzzFeed’s attempt to discredit ‘Baby Olivia’ prenatal development video is the weakest yet
The Jewish Bible’s position is emphatically ‘pro-life.’ Those claiming the opposite must not have studied the Torah, Prophets, or Oral Law.

VIN News: Fatima Mohammed Threatens Orthodox Rabbi with Libel Suit
Mohammed was described by SJP to be an axe murderer, a kidnapper, and more. She did not disavow her affiliation and leadership within SJP.

VIN News: Joel Petlin Slams ‘CUNY LAWYER’ Antisemite Fatima Mohammed After She Rants Against Jews
Finding a pretense to blame the Jews for being hated is a classic tactic of the antisemite, and it’s always used to justify genocide.

Emmer Announces Stakeholder Support for the Israel Security Assistance Support Act
Israel is fighting a genocidal adversary, and failing to eliminate this threat guarantees that Hamas will murder yet more innocents.

Fox News: ACLU backs efforts to sink bill stripping any nonprofit that ‘bankrolls terrorists’ of tax-exempt status
A tax exemption from the federal govt is a privilege, not a right. The organization must show that it’s not engaging in forbidden activities

The College Fix: Jewish staffer quits Clark University, citing ‘hate-filled’ backlash to private advocacy
To silence voices you don’t like is against everything that academia claims to stand for: the pursuit of knowledge.