Op-Eds by our Officers and Fellows do not necessarily represent the views or focus issues of the CJV.

Rabbi Dov Fischer in Israel National News: ‘Affirmative Action’ was racist from day one – and will continue
From the day of its inception, Affirmative Action closed doors in America to people who had worked hard all their lives to excel and succeed.

Rabbi Dov Fischer in The American Spectator: The Groff Supreme Court Keeps Holy the Sabbath Day
This game-changing decision will enhance countless lives and families who compose the heart and soul of Middle America.

Rabbi Yoel Schonfeld in the Queens Jewish Link: Rabbi McCarthy
If we can’t count on the Orthodox rabbinate to uphold normalcy, then whom can we count on?

Rabbi Yaakov Menken in Cross-Currents: Artificial Indoctrination: AI engines seem anything but objective
ChatGPT proved incapable of answering a question without disclaimers & falsification. It pushed a particular, partisan viewpoint & obfuscated reality.

Rabbi Dov Fischer in The American Spectator: Pride Month? Take Pride in Your Traditional Family Values
In a world where lies are defended by the woke as “My Truth,” we must bear witness to Our Truth.

Rabbi Avrohom Gordimer in Israel National News: Sefaria and Koren – A concerned look
To conveniently make matters “gender-sensitive” distorts the Word of Hashem and exhibits ignorance.

Rabbi Steven Pruzansky in the Israel National News: A simple protest – because, pride lobby, the Torah is not changing
LGBT insurrection seeks to literally excise a prohibition from the Torah and mocks the very definition of marriage and gender.

Rabbi Dov Fischer in The Israel National News: Almost half of American ‘Jews’ actually are not Jewish
At least 33% of self-reporting American “Jews” are not Jews, with ever-higher numbers of “false Jews” born each decade since the 1980s.

Rabbi Dov Fischer in The American Spectator: Joe Biden’s Sop to the Jews
Biden’s insulting release of his paper is not worth the paper it is written on. It is a sop and an insult to American Jews.

Rabbi Dov Fischer in Israel National News: It Is a mitzvah to condemn George Soros
I invite Elon Musk to quote me the next time ADL’s Jonathan Greenblatt says it is “anti-Semitic” to attack that apostate.