
Op-Eds by our Officers and Fellows do not necessarily represent the views or focus issues of the CJV.

Cancel Culture Comes To Orthodoxy

I put the question out on a Young Israel Rabbis chat that I belong to: “Do you observe that Modern Orthodox young marrieds are not coming back to shul?” I was stunned by the number of answers that I received from rabbis in many parts of the country, with the exact same observation.

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Reply to Rabbi Avi Shafran – Different Truths and Applications

The open letter asserted the import of candidates’ moral character and ethical example and the necessity of not appearing to embrace the caustic and noxious values of unsavory politicians. Nothing at all was stated about the affirmative need to at times vote for and even work amicably with such individuals for pragmatic purposes, albeit while holding our noses, so to say. Hence my response.

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Defunding Civilization

The key problem with the demonization of law enforcement, apologetics for violent riots and even taking a knee, is that one searches the globe in vain for a national government doing a substantially better job.

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Judaism’s Saddest Season: The Nine Days and Tisha B’Av

Eighty percent of American Jews have absolutely no idea what Judaism is. You see them on TV. You read them in some publications. Sometimes they say that they are motivated by their “Jewish values.” In reality, the vast majority of them would not know real Judaism if it were placed on their laps, served on their plates, or sung to them on their iPods.

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COVID-19 Extremes – Too Much of a Good Thing?

Anyone who has observed me these past four months through the present knows that I adhere to COVID-19 precautions with utmost seriousness. That said, as with everything, there needs to be a balance. Not a balance between safety and economic prosperity, but between safety and sanity, and between health and actuality.

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Basement Joe

It is concerning, that they even would consider Basement Joe. Of course Biden wants to be safe; many Americans over 65 are staying indoors until a safe and effective coronavirus vaccine is available. Good for him. And while he remains at home and in the basement, he is safe from getting caught thinking out loud. But how can Independents really want to place their lives, their economy, their children’s future in such hands?

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