
Op-Eds by our Officers and Fellows do not necessarily represent the views or focus issues of the CJV.

On Mandelblit’s Kangaroo Court, Rav Meir Kahane, and Israeli Democracy

Rav Meir Kahane Hy”d (may G-d avenge his blood) was the bugaboo for the Israeli Left and their exaggerated cries that “Israeli Democracy” is imperiled. But the Left never lost the right to compete fully and to overthrow the freely expressed will of the majority, and Israeli democracy has not been infringed. Rather, the once-dominant Labor Party seems to have died on its own, the result of decades of wrong-headed policies, promulgated by party heads who were simply wrong.

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Where Is Cuomo’s Apology for Killing 10,000 People?

Cuomo’s own government admits to nearly 6,000 of the killings attributable to his order. The data are so shocking and indefensible that he does not count among his nursing-home killings any senior who contracted COVID-19 in a skilled nursing facility and thereafter was removed to die in a hospital. No question that the honest tally is closer to 10,000 Cuomo killings.

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An Open Letter To The Orthodox Union

It used to be, not all that long ago, that the main difference between the Orthodox and non-Orthodox was the level of mitzvah observance. But on matters such as Israel, intermarriage, social issues, and family values, we had a lot in common. Alas, that is all history. On all these matters, we are now poles apart. We must face the reality that this is the hard truth.

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Allen West on Israel, J Street, the Jewish Left and Biblical Values

It goes back to Pavlov’s experiment: if you continue to reward bad behavior you’re going to get more bad behavior. And so finally we got an adult in the house who told the kid no. And the kid threw a tantrum for a little while… and then the adult went ahead and said no, and then he spanked him. Mr. Abbas finally realizes he doesn’t have the high ground.

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Lessons of the Lockdown

If we wait for every perfect situation, we will always have an excuse and never operate at our fullest. Hillel instructs us that there is never an ideal moment until which we can delay learning (at our best); now is always the time to learn to our potential.

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A Time to Hate

Amid my speeches and writings throughout the Wasted Obama Decade, I never published a piece aimed at bringing down Obama before his term was up. He won. Although he is despicable beyond words, the rules of our game, as set forth in our precious Constitution, made him our president.

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Your Religion or Your Business!

Activists are no longer pursuing “gay rights,” but trying to push religious people to compromise their religious principles or give up their business. Oh, and don’t miss the idiotic claim that I “compared gays to space aliens” — which appears alongside the slander that Jack Phillips “refuses to sell cakes to gay couples.” If their cause were just, would they need to lie about it quite so often?

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