
Op-Eds by our Officers and Fellows do not necessarily represent the views or focus issues of the CJV.

Blame Trump

While COVID-19 was gaining steam in 2020, Nancy Pelosi was playing games with impeachment: “Will I walk it down to the Senate? Won’t I? If I do, I’ll bet you can’t guess when.” Finally, by the end of January she was handing out souvenir pens and putting Trump on trial. And COVID-19 was spreading. Blame Trump.

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Gantz had no choice

Blue and White leader’s decision to join PM Netanyahu and form a unity government was not a political betrayal. His act was not that of a once-in-a-generation patriot who gives up everything for his land and his people.

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Trump, China Virus 19, and Biden

This is a moment in history that calls for a uniquely strong and singularly focused president who can manage crises effectively, demand results with appropriate speed, cut through malarkey mercilessly, fire and replace people who cannot meet the moment, and also energize an enormous economy. There could not be a better president for this time than Donald Trump.

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A Day at the Coronavirus Supermarket That Communist Bernie Would Have Loved

I went to the supermarket today to pick up some food, a real supermarket like the one you go to: places like Ralphs and Albertsons, Kroger’s and Food Lion, Walmart and Schnucks, Piggly Wiggly and Winn-Dixie. I have been shopping there for 15 years since moving to Orange County. And I could not believe my eyes: The shelves were empty! There was no food in the supermarket! It was like Stalin’s Ukraine or Communist Bernie Sanders’ Moscow. It was like Elizabeth Warren’s fridge, sans the beer.

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My Close Encounter with Coronavirus

As far as we know, the person who attended CPAC after becoming infected with Coronavirus passed his infection to no one while he was there. It nonetheless made for interesting times — for Senator Ted Cruz, who went into self-quarantine, and for… me.

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The Real Threat to Our Democracy During Coronavirus

This coronavirus first appeared in November 2019. By December 31, Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan knew about it and were on alert. Singapore knew on January 4. South Korea on January 8. By January 9 the World Health Organization and the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control were onto it. But the media was obsessed at the time with the nonsensical still-born Pelos impeachment.

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