
Op-Eds by our Officers and Fellows do not necessarily represent the views or focus issues of the CJV.

Al Charlatan — The Race Baiter’s Race ta Wanna a Brawl[ey]

Language has no meaning. The most fascist group in America today is called “Antifa,” short for anti-fascist. Any criticism of a non-White is called “racism.” Any criticism of a non-male is “misogyny.” An innocent righteous Caucasian male gets tagged before a Senate Judiciary Committee by a perjurious woman as a “rapist.” Even the term “Holocaust” is up for grabs.

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Baseball, Football, and Women’s Soccer — Why I Am Happy to Bat .333

An ability to dribble hardly makes one expert on social justice or world affairs. My favorite poster boy: the egomaniac NBA All-Star who changed his name legally in 2011 from Ronald William Artest Jr. to Metta World Peace. In 2004, Mr. World Peace was embroiled in a wild violent riot — so unique in NBA history that it is remembered as “Malice at the Palace.” In 2007, Mr. World Peace was arrested for domestic violence, ending up sentenced to jail time followed by a work-release program. Truly an appropriate life for someone devoted to time on the court.

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On the Tragedy of Robert Mueller as John Gill

His quiet retirement from public life and fading into the woodwork of social wall-paneling would have been a well-deserved phase, except for one thing. That one thing is that he allowed his name to be used for two years to do terrible damage. To our country. To our society. To the President of the United States. And also to certain individual human beings whose lives have been destroyed in his name, though apparently not by him.

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Mueller Trips Over His Own Feet

I couldn’t help but think of the “Say Hey Kid” while watching Robert Mueller’s rambling, awkward, uncomfortable, and disjointed testimony before two congressional committees on Wednesday. It was clear the former special counsel was out of his element, and unfamiliar with much of the report that bears his name. He clearly did not write it and, arguably, did not even bother to read it.

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Throw Her Out

Although the Squad live in an echo … echo … echo … chamber of similar extreme radical-left Democrats, including outright communists like Bernie Sanders, they misread the greater American landscape. Not everyone in this country calls the President of the United States an “M-F’er.” Not everyone here in this country — and not even a sizeable number, unlike in Somalia — is a Jew-hater.

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The Moon And The Jews – 50 Years Later

Strange as it sounds, Jews have always had a special relationship with the moon. We are compared to the moon (Midrash Tehillim 22) and count our months according to the moon’s cycle (Sukkah 29a). The moon was singled out for creation on the fourth day, and is the only element of creation that perceptively changes shape before our eyes every day, waxing and waning every month and thereby meriting its own berachah upon its monthly reappearance.

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