
Op-Eds by our Officers and Fellows do not necessarily represent the views or focus issues of the CJV.

The Real Islamophobia

It is truly embarrassing that Fox News responded to the complaint not merely by condemning the confused part of Pirro’s remarks, but by suspending her program. Omar faced no consequences for her repeated expressions of classic anti-Semitism; yet Pirro, for her off-hand offensive remark about Omar’s headscarf, was suspended.

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Really, There Is Something About George Conway That Does Not Add Up

As overt anti-Jewish elements started emerging at that campus where my wife worked, I was tempted to write about it. I have tons of “street cred” there because, as noted above, I am an alumnus, and my three years there saw me win several awards and honors. But one thing always held me back from writing about that school: My wife was working there.

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Purim and the Book of Esther

The Jewish Democrat Liberals will be spending the holiday persuading each other that there is no anti-Semitism in the Democrat Party, that Ilhan Omar is the modern-day Queen Esther, and that Haman was misunderstood. That all the misunderstanding with Haman could have been resolved with a simple Anti-Hate Resolution.

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Whatta Bunch of Phony Baloneys

In an era where you lose “society-advantage points” for being White, more points for being male, more for having progenitor roots anywhere in Europe, and a few more for being all three plus “straight”… In such a society, it was bound to happen that imposters would start emerging.

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Did 22 Rabbis Handcuff Orthodoxy?

It was merely a ruse. What was really bothering the organizers of the petition was not so much the lack of communication, but the right-winged tilt the organization has taken. Had NCYI issued a statement condemning Netanyahu’s position, not a word would have been uttered by these same rabbis.

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Why Trump Wins on National Emergency

The Trump Administration initially will lose on “National Emergency” at the district court level because some Obama-Clinton Judge within the ambit of the Ninth Circuit will say so. The Ninth Circuit will knock down the President by affirming the lower court on appeal. One day thereafter the matter will end up in the Supreme Court. When it gets there, the Trump Administration wins on a basic principle: the law says so.

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