Op-Eds by our Officers and Fellows do not necessarily represent the views or focus issues of the CJV.

Rabbi Dov Fischer in The American Spectator: Sue the Members of the College Boards
University Trustees have a fiduciary responsibility to see that students receive a safe, unimpeded education.

Rabbi Dov Fischer in The American Spectator: The Blessing of the College Riots
Finally, America is taking notice that the colleges and universities are longer about the ideological brainwashing of kids but about insurrection.

Rabbi Steven Pruzansky in Israel 365 News: The New Trump Doctrine
It would be encouraging if Democratic voices emerged that also disavowed the fantasies of “two states for two people.”

Rabbi Dov Fischer in The American Spectator: A Queen, Two Bishops, Jews, and Muslim Madmen in Turbans
I don’t know whether the IDF believes it has the ability to take out Iranian nuclear reactors, but, if it does, this is the time to strike.

Rabbi Steven Pruzansky in Israel National News: Biden v. Victory
U.S. aid has become the equivalent of golden shackles, restraining Israel from pursuing her own interests and securing her land and people.

Rabbi Moshe Parnes in Townhall: I’m Angry No Longer
I realize with the clarity of a 40-year journey and the insight of a member of a timeless people that there will always be wars against the Jews.

Rabbi Ze’ev Smason in St. Louis Jewish Link: Choose life: Jewish law forbids abortion except to save the mother
If you sing or listen to music out loud during your pregnancy, your baby will be born with a better ability for neuronal encoding of speech sounds.

Rabbi Dov Fischer in The American Spectator: Sacrilege: The Jewish and Catholic Apostasy of Our Leaders
Those who attack their co-religionists in order to fit in with the woke left please note: it won’t work.

Rabbi Steven Pruzansky in Israel National News: The missing piece
There’s a reason local Arabs always reject the two-state delusion. They do not want us here and they will never abandon the dream of expelling us.

Rabbi Yaakov Menken in The Daily Signal: How ADL’s Partisanship Harms the Fight Against Antisemitism
The ADL’s silence and even expressed tolerance for left-wing antisemitism permits that antisemitism to fester.