Op-Eds by our Officers and Fellows do not necessarily represent the views or focus issues of the CJV.
A Stone Left Unturned — So Far
The endless Mueller investigation is destroying rule of law in America, with deathly long-term effects that already are being felt.
New York State Declares War on Life
Under Governor Cuomo’s brand-new Reproductive Health Act, late-term abortions may be performed literally until right before birth and even by non-doctors, and not only in order to save the mother’s life but also “to protect a patient’s health” — something defined quite broadly by the law’s own language, which endorses abortions at will, for no health reason whatsoever.
Preparing With Hyphen for the World’s Last 12 Years Amid WWII
Ocasio-Cortez came from nowhere and is en route to nowhere, with a brief vacation stop in somewhere. Amid all the Left Media’s breathless fascination with her, it is important to pause for the reality check that we need when bombarded with 24 hours of Mostly Fake News seven days a week.
If Only Trump Haters Could Realize How Dangerously Our Democracy Is Being Threatened
Politics is cyclical. Republicans will not always hold the White House. Democrats will be back. If only they realized now the threats to our democracy that presently are being institutionalized. Threats that will endanger them and their future leaders terribly — and all of us.
The Dems Who Cried ‘Wolf!’
Three years of lies and smears are doing the anti-Trumpian hysterics and haters no good.
The Racist Nerve of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
There is something yet more repugnant about the Left’s incendiary lies when coming from the lips of freshman U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. In particular, her frequent references to the “dog whistles” of racism. She is projecting her own defect.
Acosta as Schmendrick: When Fools Rush In
So there are no illegals rushing the border where there are steel slats?
If Senate Dems Won’t Legislate, Spend the Time Confirming Judges
The Senate will need to remain in session 24/7 for months. But it can be done.
And Now the Bane of the Capitol Returns With His Etch-a-Sketch Screen
Remember Bain Capital? That was part of the RINO secret formula for handing away the second half of the Wasted Obama Decade. Mitt Romney somehow became the 2012 Presidential nominee of the Republican Party in the Year That America Wanted to Obliterate Obamacare — the one and only Republican in world history who had crafted, enacted, and implemented a government-run health plan that overlapped Obamacare.
Giving Our Children the Attention They Need and Deserve
Some people might have the impression that since Orthodox life centers heavily on family, kids will pretty much automatically receive the attention they need. This is of course not true, as without concerted effort, children very easily fall between the cracks.