
Op-Eds by our Officers and Fellows do not necessarily represent the views or focus issues of the CJV.

New York State Declares War on Life

Under Governor Cuomo’s brand-new Reproductive Health Act, late-term abortions may be performed literally until right before birth and even by non-doctors, and not only in order to save the mother’s life but also “to protect a patient’s health” — something defined quite broadly by the law’s own language, which endorses abortions at will, for no health reason whatsoever.

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And Now the Bane of the Capitol Returns With His Etch-a-Sketch Screen

Remember Bain Capital? That was part of the RINO secret formula for handing away the second half of the Wasted Obama Decade. Mitt Romney somehow became the 2012 Presidential nominee of the Republican Party in the Year That America Wanted to Obliterate Obamacare — the one and only Republican in world history who had crafted, enacted, and implemented a government-run health plan that overlapped Obamacare.

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