Op-Eds by our Officers and Fellows do not necessarily represent the views or focus issues of the CJV.
On Learning to Root for A-Rod and Manafort
The way to convert law-abiding people into passionate fans of cheaters, the rich, and the ostrich.
Pushback on LGBT
Accepting the homosexual agenda and normalizing it in our schools has engendered identity confusion among some of our youth, impaired their love of Torah and weakened their commitment to mitzvot.
As the Swamp Turns
If Trump can put up with this nonsense for another 6½ years, so can we.
No Apologies Necessary
God does not need to apologize for His Torah, nor do we need to apologize for heeding the Torah. The Al Chet prayer for forgiveness is prescribed for those who violate the Torah and not for observance of the Torah.
There’s No Business Like Shoah Business
How the Left has turned the Holocaust — and Pearl Harbor and 9/11 and treason — into a joke.
Let them walk out of Birthright and say Kaddish for Arab terrorists
These possibly-halakhically Jewish naifs have been taught nothing about Judaism or Zionism and they actually cannot tell the difference between the aspiring murderers and the intended victims.
The Jewish State
Israel as the “nation-state of the Jewish people” is seventy years old. Why are so many Jews throwing a hissy fit?
Everyone Is Smart Except Trump
That’s why they all are billionaires and all got elected president.
Kavanaugh: The Perfect Choice for the Season of Resistance
Another top-notch Supreme Court nomination from President Trump.
Have Jordan Accusers Reported Abuse at Their Work Places?
And get ready for the next character assassination.