Op-Eds by our Officers and Fellows do not necessarily represent the views or focus issues of the CJV.
YU’s Policies About Women — A Reply to Deborah Klapper
No one has “forbidden women from teaching Torah.” No one has refused to “value the voices of women teaching Torah.” And no one promotes an ethos to “exclude women’s voices.” The accusations do not apply to the facts on the ground.
Separating politics from the core conversion issue
Juxtaposed against the American system of naturalization — its 3-5-year waiting period, its uniformity across the fifty states, its imposition of higher standards demanded of outsiders versus blanket acceptance of those already “in” by accident of birth — the process of converting halakhically to Judaism is hardly surprising.
What a fabulous time to shake up Israel’s government!
Bibi should get a T-shirt that says: “Ehud Barak did favors for Marc Rich / Obama got a $300,000 discount on a house / His wife got a $300,000 “Job” / And all I got were some crummy cigars and champagne.”
When Do We Get to Talk About the Other Reasons?
What Does McDonald’s Put in its Cheesburgers?
I have been trying for years to figure out what explains George Soros, Bernie Sanders, Chuck Schumer and all the other Jews who are willing to sell out the Jewish people.
No, Orthodox Jews Are Not White Supremacists – And Neither Is President Trump
How much actual proof of the spreading white nationalism among the Orthodox are we left with? None at all. But unfortunately, that didn’t matter. To many, the article merely confirmed what they already “knew.”
What Every Prospective Convert to Judaism Deserves To Know
It is imperative that every prospective convert demand — not “ask,” not “inquire,” but demand — of the converting rabbi to know, to receive a full disclosure, as to whether the conversion will be accepted elsewhere.
The Grand Showdown Over Women “Rabbis”
It is ironic that Open Orthodox leaders accuse the OU of divisiveness, when it is the Open Orthodox that have knowingly and deliberately broken away from mainstream Orthodoxy and consensus halachic practice.
The Orthodox Union isolates the final four
The four extreme-left organizations in the OU fold are the end of a trend that once did not have to be discussed, because it was not imaginable.
The Orthodox Union speaks
Courage should not be required to disapprove the notion of Jewish female clergy, something that even Professor Shaul Lieberman of the Conservative JTS characterized almost forty years ago as risible and a “mockery” of Torah – but today, it is.