Op-Eds by our Officers and Fellows do not necessarily represent the views or focus issues of the CJV.
The Middle East ‘Peace Process’ Meme: WHAT Peace Process?
There is no Middle East “peace process” and there has not been a “Middle East peace process” for decades. It is a sham. For the Arab Muslim world, “Palestine” is Israel. One need not be fluent in Hebrew nor in Arabic to grasp this, simply capable of looking at four pictures.
Tzipi Hotovely has finally been discovered
With her celebrity in the US because of the Princeton Hillel boycott, comes a new price to pay — dealing with the hatchets swung by the “Gotcha!” crowd. They hate her because, without a fight, she defeated the rabid leftist rabbis of Hillel.
Anatomy of a Smear
It would be edifying if Israelis truly understood what is happening in American Jewish life and paid less attention to the instigators of insincere indignation, such as those who smeared Hotovely. Netanyahu should have supported her.
Jewish Continuity Isn’t a Zero-Sum Game
Not only are the Orthodox not contributing to the implosion of liberal Judaism, but they are in the forefront of efforts to hold it back.
Orthodoxy’s Smashing Success and Lurking Challenges
The Orthodox community must address philosophical and educational matters in a manner that is conducive to continued sustainability, growth, and adherence to the Torah’s vision and goals.
One Man’s Ceiling is Another Man’s Floor
Our self-identification as “conservatives” on a host of issues is not, in actuality, partisan, but the unavoidable consequence of being Torah observant.
The Pain of the Contemporary American Orthodox Jew
Orthodox Jews, whom every demographic study confirms are the only growing population group in American Jewish life — and doing so rapidly — are rock-ribbed Republican conservatives.
A Flawed President Whose Pugnacious Divisiveness Uniquely Suits the Moment’s Need
He knows it’s a fight to the finish — he has no other choice.
Trump Goes It Alone and Leaves ‘Em in the Dust
While it is so that Donald Trump has not yet succeeded with major legislation, the golden key to his presidency is the executive one: executive actions and initiatives that lie within the exclusive jurisdiction of the President. It is here that the Trump presidency is a smashing success, in defiance of its innumerable detractors.
Obliterating Confederate Symbols is Counterproductive
Millions of Israelis traverse King George Street every year. None of these people thinks of changing the street’s name or takes offense to it.