Chai Society

Join the Chai Society!

We invite you to join our Chai Society, providing core support for our mission with your monthly recurring gift of $18 or more.

Hebrew letters have both meanings and numeric values, and the letters of Chai, the word for “life” (which is pronounced like the “ch” in Bach), sum to 18. Thus a gift of a multiple of 18 hints to blessings for life.

Your support is a merit for life for you and your loved ones, or might celebrate the well-lived life of a departed relative—and is simultaneously the lifeblood that sustains the Coalition for Jewish Values. When you join the Chai Society to automatically contribute a multiple of Chai each month, your consistent support fuels our work to continue delivering a voice for genuine Torah Values across the country.

Please provide monthly support through the Chai Society, to keep the momentum on our side.

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