Media Appearances
John Fredericks radio: Rabbi Yaakov Menken and Paul Teller on Bibi, Israel, and America
Rabbi Yaakov Menken to Newsmax: Hamas Are ‘Actual Nazis’
Rabbi Menken on Rally 4 The Republic Podcast: Jewish Values in the Public Square
Rabbi Yaakov Menken on Rally 4 The Republic Podcast
Rabbi Yaakov Menken on The John Fredericks Show: DEMS Two State Solution; Win MN And MI – Throw Jews Under The Bus
Rabbi Yaakov Menken on the Lars Larson Show: Are Dems Devouring Themselves with their Pro-Palestine Protests at the DNC?
Rabbi Yaakov Menken on It’s Not About Us: The Moral Leadership of the Jewish People
Rabbi Steven Pruzanky on the Yishai Fleisher Podcast: Count ‘Till Ten!
Rabbi Steven Pruzanky on the Yishai Fleisher Podcast: Count ‘Till Ten!
On Tisha B’Av LIVE, Yishai speaks with Rabbi Steven Pruzansky about the alliance of Jihadists and Progressives to use democracy against itself. Then, Malkah Fleisher on the centrality of the Temple Mount. And Samuel Wearp on the Three Weeks for the nations. Finally, Ben Bresky on a novel that made Britain Zionist, and Table Torah on the Ten Commandments and Shema Yisrael.