Media Appearances
“Rabbi Menken on Woke States Overriding Parents” Chosen Generation Radio with Pastor Greg Young
“Rabbi Yaakov Menken on Woke States Overriding Parents” from Chosen Generation Radio by Pastor Greg Young, Rabbi Yaakov Menken. Released: 2023.
Rabbi Yaakov Menken on the Lars Larson Show: Is an Antisemite teaching woke classes at Princeton?
Rabbi Yaakov Menken joins Lars Larson to discuss the woke professor peddling Antisemitic blood libels at his alma mater.
JRA Loudspeaker – A Conversation with Rabbi Dov Fischer – Jewish Republican Alliance
Rabbi Menken on “The John Fredericks Show:” If they can’t blame a Jew, it’s ignored
Rabbi Menken on the John Fredericks show: If they can’t blame a Jew, it’s ignored