by Rabbi Yaakov Menken | Oct 29, 2021 | Op-Eds, Human Rights, Updates
by Rabbi Yaakov Menken and Lela Gilbert, Townhall On Tuesday, the Brandeis Center for Human Rights Under Law publicly demanded the University of Massachusetts address an antisemitic incident that the university has tried to keep under wraps since June. Per the...
by Rabbi Yaakov Menken | Oct 25, 2021 | Op-Eds, Featured Coverage, Human Rights, Updates
by Rabbi Yaakov Menken, Fox News Addressing supporters this week, Virginia Republican gubernatorial candidate Glenn Youngkin took aim at both his opponent and one of the foremost backers of progressive causes. “The blame for… the present chaos in our schools...
by Rabbi Yaakov Menken | Sep 27, 2021 | Op-Eds
by Rabbi Yaakov Menken, Cross-Currents Briefly, before Yom Tov, some quick input into both recent guest contributions… because there is a relationship between them. I. Abortion: I do not know the source for Rabbi Dr. Broyde’s claim that per Agudath Israel, “a fetus is...
by Rabbi Yaakov Menken | Sep 6, 2021 | Op-Eds
by Rabbi Yaakov Menken, Newsweek Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, is not greeted with loud parties, countdowns or open bars. It is the Day of Judgment, when we are expected to ponder the ways we veered off course during the previous year. It is also as opportune a...
by Rabbi Yaakov Menken | Aug 27, 2021 | Op-Eds, Human Rights
by Rabbi Yaakov Menken, Townhall By now, most public figures have commented on the tragic situation in Afghanistan, and the members of “the Squad” are no exception. But what is most notable about their statements is what is left unsaid. These purported advocates for...